That's how old is our marriage! And it's rocking in every way possible :-) Married couples would know what I mean ;-)!
4 months into the marriage and we've been through a roller-coaster ride of most pleasant moments and some not-so-pleasant :-)! Esp our countdown to New Year has been so much fun that we wanted to capture in print somewhere. And what with the whole world crying GREEN we thought we would be serving the purpose by doing so online!
So watch out for our narration in the coming year 2008 'cause we're now busy counting our way down to 1st Jan 2008!
Ring out 2007 and ring in 2008!
Happy New Year and a prosperous one too!
Adi & Paddu
4 months into the marriage and we've been through a roller-coaster ride of most pleasant moments and some not-so-pleasant :-)! Esp our countdown to New Year has been so much fun that we wanted to capture in print somewhere. And what with the whole world crying GREEN we thought we would be serving the purpose by doing so online!
So watch out for our narration in the coming year 2008 'cause we're now busy counting our way down to 1st Jan 2008!
Ring out 2007 and ring in 2008!
Happy New Year and a prosperous one too!
Adi & Paddu