Saturday, February 2, 2008

Let's find a reason not to :-)

Do super couples fight? is what we asked and we got this beautiful reply as below which we thought we should share with all who are still trying to find an answer :-)

samz says:
Yes. Any two brains put together will certainly have their differences. So yeah, it's quite natural to fight. :)What I've been wondering why is that we tend to be more sensitive(or insensitive) and critical of our partners that to others? Why do we not give the same treatment to our partners that we give to others? Why do we over-analyze things done/not done by our better halves?Maybe the answer is this. When we share our lives and everything else along with it...our thoughts, dreams, vulnerabilities....and flaws, we naturally are exposing the innermost part of our hearts to that someone, whose appreciation, respect and love we continually seek for. And the more we give ourselves, the more we want the reassurance, that we will be loved, regardless of anything. Even if we do have that acceptance from our loved ones, we still might be susceptible to hurt easily. Because we exposed ourselves, we get more in touch with ourselves, we become closer to addressing our innermost issues more clearly, rather than blocking it out from our systems and getting on with life, as we would have, before we were attached to anybody else.I guess all arguments stem from this fact. The worst thing probably is getting insensitive to your partner's feelings over the many years you've been together. So rather than find reason's to pick a fight with him, lets find reason's not to. What say?


Botchtti said...

good good... am getting gyan from all my married and "wise" frens :D

Satish K Mantha said...

yep! that's right.. i agree unanimously with you! :D

everyone's a hypocrite.. being a less hypocrite with ur partner makes u feel u're losing ur respect and that leads to retaliation in all other encounters with him/her.. there comes the ultimate crasher of dreams - ego.. :-) take care..

Unknown said...


for next post....