Now, this is what happens if we dont post anything for a loong time !! We forget the password and will have to retrieve it.
I am currently listening to the song "Feeling blue" from Pyar ke Side Effects and yesss.. I am feeling a lil blue. A part of my life is gone on some business work to a godforsaken place called the US of A.
I am a kind of guy who believes. I generally believe and the belief sticks to me. I guess for the first time, now that I realised, I proved my self wrong. I beleived that I'll be fine w/o her and its just a matter of a couple of weeks. Naaah!!
I miss everything associated with her.. her beautiful face, her smile, her anger; dropping her to the bus stand, eating out with her, fight with her...everything !!
Then I realised how much people can get "USED" to the other person.
Consciously or subconsciously, we all get used to living our life a definite way with someone who is our dear. Can be mom dad friend sibling spouse anyone.
We find comfort in their presence.
But the sad part is, we also tend to take the other person for granted.
This is the point of discussion today...
In a bid to be happy, to be pampered to be loved and to be taken care of, we sometimes fail to realise if the other person is up to the ask or not at that given point in time.
It is this sacrifice which we may have to make once in a while to make sure things go smooth.
This is where a mismatch of expectations and deliverables happen which bring about slight "ting tong" to that "smooth" I mentioned. The debate will always be on between the asker and the supposed giver. It can generally be resolved by simple talk but now that we are the most complex of living beings, we stick to complexity. We somehow enjoy getting trapped in the exit free web of arguments and dissatisfaction's. This ultimately brings in a lot of unwanted acrimony to the most beautiful feeling which we all very casually call LOVE.
What do you do when U expect smthing from your spouse and you dont get it??
How do you deal with it..??
Will wait for your comments on this.
Lonely Adi
Friday, May 23, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Let's find a reason not to :-)
Do super couples fight? is what we asked and we got this beautiful reply as below which we thought we should share with all who are still trying to find an answer :-)
samz says:
Yes. Any two brains put together will certainly have their differences. So yeah, it's quite natural to fight. :)What I've been wondering why is that we tend to be more sensitive(or insensitive) and critical of our partners that to others? Why do we not give the same treatment to our partners that we give to others? Why do we over-analyze things done/not done by our better halves?Maybe the answer is this. When we share our lives and everything else along with it...our thoughts, dreams, vulnerabilities....and flaws, we naturally are exposing the innermost part of our hearts to that someone, whose appreciation, respect and love we continually seek for. And the more we give ourselves, the more we want the reassurance, that we will be loved, regardless of anything. Even if we do have that acceptance from our loved ones, we still might be susceptible to hurt easily. Because we exposed ourselves, we get more in touch with ourselves, we become closer to addressing our innermost issues more clearly, rather than blocking it out from our systems and getting on with life, as we would have, before we were attached to anybody else.I guess all arguments stem from this fact. The worst thing probably is getting insensitive to your partner's feelings over the many years you've been together. So rather than find reason's to pick a fight with him, lets find reason's not to. What say?
samz says:
Yes. Any two brains put together will certainly have their differences. So yeah, it's quite natural to fight. :)What I've been wondering why is that we tend to be more sensitive(or insensitive) and critical of our partners that to others? Why do we not give the same treatment to our partners that we give to others? Why do we over-analyze things done/not done by our better halves?Maybe the answer is this. When we share our lives and everything else along with it...our thoughts, dreams, vulnerabilities....and flaws, we naturally are exposing the innermost part of our hearts to that someone, whose appreciation, respect and love we continually seek for. And the more we give ourselves, the more we want the reassurance, that we will be loved, regardless of anything. Even if we do have that acceptance from our loved ones, we still might be susceptible to hurt easily. Because we exposed ourselves, we get more in touch with ourselves, we become closer to addressing our innermost issues more clearly, rather than blocking it out from our systems and getting on with life, as we would have, before we were attached to anybody else.I guess all arguments stem from this fact. The worst thing probably is getting insensitive to your partner's feelings over the many years you've been together. So rather than find reason's to pick a fight with him, lets find reason's not to. What say?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Do Super-Couples fight??

Of course they do! Or so it was established in the movie "Honeymoon Travels" and "Incredibles" (for those who have watched it). And this was precisely what I was explaining to Adi.....that it's no big deal! It's as natural as day after night, Chandramukhi after Baba, :-) etc.
Would love to hear from you too....while I deliberate on the next reason to pick a fight with Adi.
Would love to hear from you too....while I deliberate on the next reason to pick a fight with Adi.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Do Write more frequently !!!
I toootally agree !!! Infact we realised that we have been having so much fun off late that we hardly got time to pen down stuff [:P] Naaah !! got tooo busy with work. Boss was around and some very important 'googling' was underway which caused the delay.
It is that juncture in my career where I am looking for yet another change. Will keep u guys posted on the what happening veeery soon [:)]
Apart from the sooooper hard work we are putting in at work, life seems to just move on seamlessly through the malls and theaters in Bangalore. God bless the retail boom.
There is this new mall from TATA which had come up a month back. Its called the Star Bazaar. One word to describe it.... I dont believe in one word descrptions. There was nothing which was not available there. We went in to just see the place and shopped for quite a lot by the time we even realised. Gaining inspiration from my dad I was veeeery tempted to pick up a 32" LCD screen too, displayed in Croma. But as mentioned earlier, we are working our way through the hard times[:P]
(hard times : def: One of those times where we are regularly eating at home only to save us some pennies to go watch more movies)
I guess its time for me to hit the gym !!!
So lemme end this out of the blue blog and get back to you guys very soon.
Cheers !!!
It is that juncture in my career where I am looking for yet another change. Will keep u guys posted on the what happening veeery soon [:)]
Apart from the sooooper hard work we are putting in at work, life seems to just move on seamlessly through the malls and theaters in Bangalore. God bless the retail boom.
There is this new mall from TATA which had come up a month back. Its called the Star Bazaar. One word to describe it.... I dont believe in one word descrptions. There was nothing which was not available there. We went in to just see the place and shopped for quite a lot by the time we even realised. Gaining inspiration from my dad I was veeeery tempted to pick up a 32" LCD screen too, displayed in Croma. But as mentioned earlier, we are working our way through the hard times[:P]
(hard times : def: One of those times where we are regularly eating at home only to save us some pennies to go watch more movies)
I guess its time for me to hit the gym !!!
So lemme end this out of the blue blog and get back to you guys very soon.
Cheers !!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Peak before Recession
New Year saw a blast but the impending US recession seems to have hit us! Our expenditure sheet says so too. Our lazy weekend got so lazy that we sat in the car debating, for half hour, about our evening out!!!
It's a cycle, you see! This reminds of what my brother said - If your neighbour's selling his house, it's recession and if you end up selling your own, it's depression!!
If you are wondering where Adi is....he's busy preparing a presentation which has so far run into some....hmm....hmm......hmm......slides! (Lost count :-P )
It's a cycle, you see! This reminds of what my brother said - If your neighbour's selling his house, it's recession and if you end up selling your own, it's depression!!
If you are wondering where Adi is....he's busy preparing a presentation which has so far run into some....hmm....hmm......hmm......slides! (Lost count :-P )
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Celebrity celebrations - counting our way down to New Year
We've had amazing feedback for the very initiative of 'shaadirocks' and had everyone waiting for the next post. So here we are, not to disappoint you so early in life!
The usual question that everyone loves to throw at us is, " is married life treating you?" That's where the problem takes root! Married life is a lot simpler if only the question was the other way round - How are YOU treating married life!!!
And we decided to treat our week before New year as a married couple with a blast!!! The slow yet thoroughly enjoyable blast started on 24th Dec. And this is how our agenda for the next few days ran until 1st Jan.
24th Dec: Christmas Eve Dinner at Paparazzi (Royal Orchid Central), which Conde Nast lists as one of the 100 best restaurants in the world. It's on the 10th floor with a great view of Bangalore. One helluva expensive dinner but awesome ambience. For all those couples scouting for a romantic candle lit ($Dear$) dinner, Paparazzi it is!!
25th Dec: Christmas - "Meet the Parents" session coupled with Ghar ka Khaana and accidentally treated ourselves to this cute movie - Bee Movie! One adorable movie that takes you through the natural animated process of honey making. Towards the end, the fight for justice remotely reminds you of Guru sans Ash :-)
26th Dec: Off to Commerical street and Cake exhibition - fed ourselves all possible junk we could lay our hands on
27th Dec: how could we miss the sister road - Brigade road beautifully lit up with year-end sales. Checked out Croma - the recently launched Tata store for Electronics. It seemed like we lost touch with cooking at home and saw ourselves sitting opposite each other in no time at Kanua - restaurant that serves Konkan cuisine; dim lit with old wooden furniture (ranging from school benches to 130-yr old roof) and gentle music resonating out of tree trunk.
28th Dec: Every rule has an exception and so did this! One-off day when we actually worked for our respective employers. The only outing we had was to Adi's new swanky office and Paddu's unconventional ad agency.
29th Dec: The silence before the storm - that best descibes 28th. 'cause 29th saw the beginning of a storm of Awesome Foursome at WONDERLA (Adi, Paddy, Manu, and Anu)! Roller coasters to wave pools, dashing cars to water slides - insanity defined in various forms! Laugh we did, all the way back to "The Only Place" , an Italian Restaurant on Museum Road where we could have asked for no more cheese than we cared for!
30th Dec: Lazy Sunday with lunch at MTR and Akshay Kumar's Welcome at Urvashi theatre
31st Dec: New Year's eve - all geared up for a Home Party at our aunt's place! Food, movie, and more food, games, and food again defined the evening's agenda!
1st Jan 2008 - New Year came and we were back home to meet Paddu's parents and ended with a cozy dinner at "Wok with Chung" with our relatives. Now that's how you would start a New Year - couldn't have got better!
All the way we were reminded of the movie "Over the Hedge" where RJ says [pointing to humans], "They *always* got food with them. We eat to live - these guys live to eat! Let me show you what I'm talking about!" Read more (
And now we are glad to be back in office for pending bills beckon!
The usual question that everyone loves to throw at us is, " is married life treating you?" That's where the problem takes root! Married life is a lot simpler if only the question was the other way round - How are YOU treating married life!!!
And we decided to treat our week before New year as a married couple with a blast!!! The slow yet thoroughly enjoyable blast started on 24th Dec. And this is how our agenda for the next few days ran until 1st Jan.
24th Dec: Christmas Eve Dinner at Paparazzi (Royal Orchid Central), which Conde Nast lists as one of the 100 best restaurants in the world. It's on the 10th floor with a great view of Bangalore. One helluva expensive dinner but awesome ambience. For all those couples scouting for a romantic candle lit ($Dear$) dinner, Paparazzi it is!!
25th Dec: Christmas - "Meet the Parents" session coupled with Ghar ka Khaana and accidentally treated ourselves to this cute movie - Bee Movie! One adorable movie that takes you through the natural animated process of honey making. Towards the end, the fight for justice remotely reminds you of Guru sans Ash :-)
26th Dec: Off to Commerical street and Cake exhibition - fed ourselves all possible junk we could lay our hands on
27th Dec: how could we miss the sister road - Brigade road beautifully lit up with year-end sales. Checked out Croma - the recently launched Tata store for Electronics. It seemed like we lost touch with cooking at home and saw ourselves sitting opposite each other in no time at Kanua - restaurant that serves Konkan cuisine; dim lit with old wooden furniture (ranging from school benches to 130-yr old roof) and gentle music resonating out of tree trunk.
28th Dec: Every rule has an exception and so did this! One-off day when we actually worked for our respective employers. The only outing we had was to Adi's new swanky office and Paddu's unconventional ad agency.
29th Dec: The silence before the storm - that best descibes 28th. 'cause 29th saw the beginning of a storm of Awesome Foursome at WONDERLA (Adi, Paddy, Manu, and Anu)! Roller coasters to wave pools, dashing cars to water slides - insanity defined in various forms! Laugh we did, all the way back to "The Only Place" , an Italian Restaurant on Museum Road where we could have asked for no more cheese than we cared for!
30th Dec: Lazy Sunday with lunch at MTR and Akshay Kumar's Welcome at Urvashi theatre
31st Dec: New Year's eve - all geared up for a Home Party at our aunt's place! Food, movie, and more food, games, and food again defined the evening's agenda!
1st Jan 2008 - New Year came and we were back home to meet Paddu's parents and ended with a cozy dinner at "Wok with Chung" with our relatives. Now that's how you would start a New Year - couldn't have got better!
All the way we were reminded of the movie "Over the Hedge" where RJ says [pointing to humans], "They *always* got food with them. We eat to live - these guys live to eat! Let me show you what I'm talking about!" Read more (
And now we are glad to be back in office for pending bills beckon!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
4 months going on 5!!!!

That's how old is our marriage! And it's rocking in every way possible :-) Married couples would know what I mean ;-)!
4 months into the marriage and we've been through a roller-coaster ride of most pleasant moments and some not-so-pleasant :-)! Esp our countdown to New Year has been so much fun that we wanted to capture in print somewhere. And what with the whole world crying GREEN we thought we would be serving the purpose by doing so online!
So watch out for our narration in the coming year 2008 'cause we're now busy counting our way down to 1st Jan 2008!
Ring out 2007 and ring in 2008!
Happy New Year and a prosperous one too!
Adi & Paddu
4 months into the marriage and we've been through a roller-coaster ride of most pleasant moments and some not-so-pleasant :-)! Esp our countdown to New Year has been so much fun that we wanted to capture in print somewhere. And what with the whole world crying GREEN we thought we would be serving the purpose by doing so online!
So watch out for our narration in the coming year 2008 'cause we're now busy counting our way down to 1st Jan 2008!
Ring out 2007 and ring in 2008!
Happy New Year and a prosperous one too!
Adi & Paddu
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